Tennessee Insurance Licensing

The information provided by Agenzee is intended to be accurate and current regarding licensing and appointment requirements across states. While we make every effort to ensure precision through research and expertise, we recommend that readers independently verify details by contacting their state’s insurance department for precise regulations. Remaining informed is essential, and we are here to assist you on your path.

Appointments and Terminations in Tennessee

Must be reported within 15 days of the agent/agency contract execution or first business submission.

Permitted and should be filed within the 15-day deadline.

$15 for both resident and nonresident appointments.

No renewal required, appointments are perpetual.

Can be processed via NIPR, with a fee of $15 per termination.

Licensing in Tennessee

Range from $50 for resident insurance producers to $120 for resident surplus lines agents.

Detailed by type, including late renewal fees and varying costs for different types of licenses.

Requirements for keeping personal and business addresses up to date.

Agency Licensing in Tennessee

No specific requirements for agencies to appoint individual producers.

Managed on a perpetual basis, no specific renewal requirements outlined.

Independent and Emergency Adjuster Licensing in Tennessee

Not specified under adjuster appointments via NIPR.

Addressed directly through state-specific policies as needed.

Continuing Education Requirements for Tennessee Insurance Licensees

Here at Agenzee, we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information on CE requirements for various states. While we take pride in our thorough research and expertise, we encourage our readers to conduct their own due diligence by consulting their state’s department of insurance for specific requirements. Remember, staying informed is key, and we’re here to support you on your journey to compliance! 

Licensees must complete a total of 24 hours of continuing education every two years.

The renewal period is biennial, occurring every two years.

Yes, continuing education credits are due before the license renewal date.

License renewal must be completed by the last day of the licensee's birth month.

The license renewal year is based on the year of first license issuance.

Continuing education credits are due prior to license expiration.

The state sends a CE reminder 45 days prior to the expiration date.

If you’ve continuously held your license since Jan. 1, 1994, you're exempt from CE. Limited lines licensees are also exempt from CE.

A producer may apply for reinstatement up to one year past expiration.

Yes, CE instructors receive credit for teaching courses, up to double the course value.

Licensees must complete 3 hours of ethics and consumer protection training.

Property or casualty licensees must comply with 3 hours of NFIP course.

Initial certification entails an 8-hour training course, with an additional 4 hours of LTC-specific training required every two years.

Licensees must complete a one-time, 4-hour course focused on annuities.

Frequently Asked Questions on Tennessee Insurance Licensing

Within 15 days of contract execution or first business submission.

Yes, there is a fee of $15 for appointing both resident and nonresident agents.

Licensing fees for residents start at $50 for insurance producers, with different fees for surplus lines and other specific licenses.



Carter Lawrence

(615) 741-2693

Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance Insurance Division